Contact Lens Exams

Contact Lens Exams

Taking care of your eyesight is fundamental at any age, even if you believe your eyesight is optimal and exactly where it needs to be at your current stage in life. If you're in Chapin and you're interested in seeing an eye doctor for blurry vision or to learn more about contact lenses, consider visiting Vital Eyes. At Vital Eyes, we will work with you to discover if you require eyeglasses or if there are underlying issues that may be clouding or interfering with your vision each day.

Contact Lens Exams

What Does an Eye Exam Entail?

An eye exam is typically extensive and comprehensive, providing your preferred optometrist with a complete view of the internal components of your eyes, their lenses, and overall health. Eye examinations will typically include visual acuity tests, which require you to recall numbers and letters on a sign from a distance. This will also determine if you may require additional tests or if you're in need of contact lenses or even brand-new prescription eyeglasses.

In some instances, a pressure test may also be administered to determine if you are suffering from nearsightedness, farsightedness, or even astigmatism. This is especially crucial if you find it difficult to drive at night or if light impacts how you view your surroundings, even during the daytime.

Benefits of Annual Eye Exams

While it's recommended to undergo an eye exam at least once a year, it is also acceptable to see an optometrist near you whom you trust every two years, so long as your vision is good and without problems. Annual or regular eye exams can help with detecting potential underlying issues that are not always visible to the naked eye or not your own.

Signs You Require a Professional Eye Exam

It's not always easy to determine when you may require an eye exam. Obvious signs that it is time to schedule an eye exam appointment for yourself might include:

- Blurring of the eyes and blurry vision

- Difficulty seeing at night

- Shiny lights reflect when driving under streetlights and lamps

- An increase in headaches due to visual stimulation

- Eye strain

Contact Vital Eyes in Chapin, SC

Whether you're someone who suffers from dry eye issues, myopia, or if you have a genetic risk for glaucoma, visiting an eye doctor is a must. Vital Eyes will work with you to ensure you are taken care of properly if you need eyeglasses or if you're simply in need of a standard eye exam. At Vital Eyes, we will work with you to get to the bottom of any eye-related issue you may be experiencing, so you can quickly improve the quality of your life without a hassle.


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm



