Dry Eye

Dry Eye Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when your eyes cannot produce enough tears or when the tears you produce evaporate too quickly. This can lead to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms and can even affect your vision. Fortunately, your optometrist near you at Vital Eyes in Chapin, SC, can diagnose and treat dry eyes to help you regain visual clarity and comfort. Learn more about the causes, symptoms, and available treatments for dry eye syndrome below.

Dry Eye

Causes of Dry Eye

Several factors can contribute to dry eye syndrome. Spending too much time staring at screens, smoking, and not blinking enough are frequent causes of dry eye. Environmental factors like dry climates, wind, and air conditioning often worsen dry eye symptoms. Certain medical conditions and medications may cause dry eye. Other frequent contributors to dry eyes include eye allergies and contact lens use.

Symptoms of Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome can cause several irritating symptoms that disrupt your daily life. Some of the most common symptoms to watch out for include:

•             Burning or stinging sensation in the eyes

•             Scratchy or gritty feeling in the eyes

•             Redness of the eyes

•             Blurry vision, particularly during extended periods of reading or screen time

•             Itchy eyes

•             Excessive tearing

•             Light sensitivity

•             Difficulty wearing contact lenses

Contact your eye doctor if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. Your eye doctor can diagnose and treat your dry eyes before they lead to eye health complications.

Treatments for Dry Eye

Most cases of dry eye will resolve with at-home adjustments and over-the-counter eye drops. However, our eye doctor can help alleviate severe or lingering cases of dry eye with the following:

•             Artificial tears: Lubricating eye drops are the most common treatment for dry eye. They come in various forms, such as preservative-free options and gels for nighttime use.

•             Punctal plugs: These tiny inserts are placed in the tear ducts to help conserve tears.

•             Lid wipes and scrubs: Blepharitis, a condition that causes inflammation of the eyelids, can contribute to dry eye. Daily lid hygiene with wipes or scrubs can help manage blepharitis.

•             Prescription medications: Our eye doctor may prescribe medication to increase tear production or reduce inflammation.

•             Lifestyle modifications: Making lifestyle changes, such as using a humidifier, taking breaks from screens, and wearing sunglasses outdoors, can help improve dry eye symptoms.

Visit Your Optometrist Near You at Vital Eyes for Dry Eye Treatment Today

If you are experiencing dry eye symptoms, do not hesitate to contact Vital Eyes in Chapin, SC. We can diagnose the cause of your dry eye and develop a treatment plan to help you achieve eye health and comfort. Call us and schedule an appointment today at (803) 930-0036 to protect your eye and vision health.


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